Abdolnaser Ghazagh

Ph.D. student
Institute of Applied Physics in Jena

Career after graduation     
One month after graduating from Lasers and Photonics I started my PhD at the Institute of Applied Physics in Jena.

Current workplace
I am working on fabricating fiber gratings using beam shaping techniques for applications like frequency filters, pulse shaping, dispersion compensation, etc.

What do you like most about your job?
Generally, I like research, and I believe doing a Ph.D. is a great opportunity for that. I am interested in how light propagates in different situations and how it interacts with matter and I think the current topic is a nice platform for that.
Also, I like the research which is a fair combination of simulation and experiment. Luckily, it has been the case for all the jobs I have had so far, including the current one! I want to be neither a pure experimentalist nor a pure theorist, but a combination of both!

To what extent has the Lasers and Photonics programme helped you?
LAP helped a lot in pursuing my career! Especially, it gives a very nice background knowledge in the field of optics for a guy like me who was new to this field at the beginning of my master. Professors and teachers are extremely helpful, and you can tell that they, themselves, are so passionate about their field.

(last updated: March 2023)


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Country of Origin: Kazakhstan

Current Position: Ph.D. Student

Current Employer: Institute of Applied Physics, Jena (Germany)

LAP Graduation Year: 2022

Bachelor Degree in: Mechanical Engineering



Postal address

Ruhr University Bochum
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Universitätsstraße 150
Postbox ID 16
D-44801 Bochum

Contact us

M. Sc. Navina Kleemann
Student Advisor Lasers and Photonics

Phone: (+49)(0)234 / 32 – 29334
Email: LasersPhotonics(at)ei.rub.de

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